I'll give credit where credit is due: it can't be easy to make a game in a limited time frame, and that's exactly what was done here in a speed IF competition. However, the first thing that struck me was the spelling and grammar. Reading text that consistently mixes up homonyms (to/too, it's/its) can really take one out of the game, and even under pressure I can't excuse flubbing simple English. I can forgive the fact that because of speed, examining certain items mentioned in the room description returns an error message stating that item isn't here; however, doing so makes it easier to separate the red herrings from the items you need to use. The puzzles are of satisfactory quality, but some suffer from interface issues. For example, a certain item can't be used unless it's on the ground and NOT in your inventory. Also, at one point I thought I was trapped, with no direction working, and words like "exit" and its synonyms also failing. I eventually got out (the same way I got in) but it was needlessly frustrating.
All in all, the game has the look and feel of a rush job - which it was. I suppose I've been spoiled by games with more polish. I think it would be enjoyable if Taleslinger decided to go back and turn it into a finished-feel game. But hey, try it for yourself. It's worth it to see what people can do in two days.
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