Back again with another itch game from the Interactive Bonbons writer.
This one is pretty simple gameplay-wise, but with the same technical wizardry from the last two games. Again, there is an interesting use of styles, custom layouts, sounds, emojis and so on. Interestingly, the shotgun uses a train emoji.
It's pretty simple. Here, you walk around a 2x2 room, scrounging, resting and eating while waiting for the zombies to show up. Once that happens, you can attack them.
It's a survival game with gameplay broken up into different waves. You'll simply have to beat the current wave of zombies to reach the next level. It's not a very deep game, but it's pretty good as a short proof of concept and also feels more polished than the farming sim.
But after playing two other games from this writer, it's perhaps harder to wow me with all that tech savvy now.