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Fingertips: What's That Blue Thing Doing Here?

by Ruth Alfasso profile

(based on 8 ratings)
3 reviews12 members have played this game. It's on 7 wishlists.

About the Story

Each step of this one-move game takes you into an entirely different, very short, story. Often, there's a blue thing. What's it doing here?

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 8 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A one move game with divergent endings all about blue things, May 25, 2016

Like Fingertips:All Alone and Fingertips: Who wrecked my car, this one move game has completely different narratives depending on what action you take.

All of these actions have a blue thing in them. While this game implemented more than All Alone, I felt like it was too self-conscious, hammering home the multiple endings and talking about the Fingertip:I don't understand game. On its own, however, it is a solid game, with some particularly good endings.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Being blue, apparently, April 2, 2016*

An exercise in 'how well do you know your IF parser?' I've compiled a list of actions with unique responses in the spoiler space; it's probably incomplete, but is longer than the Club Floyd list and includes some amusingly silly responses. A few typos, but it's fast and fun.

(There is no apparent reference to Suzanne Vega's 'Small Blue Thing', which I will admit was my go-to visualisation for the Blue Thing - the THMBGs song being slightly vague as to description.)

(Spoiler - click to show)
Fight me
Wake up
X ideas
X blue thing
X me
X doorway
X road
X stairs
Take stairs
Take doorway
Hit stairs
Hit doorway
Eat door

Recommended for: when you're in a methodical mood.

* This review was last edited on April 3, 2016
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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
A Multiverse of Possibility, April 2, 2012
by Joey Jones (UK)

The parser is a promise that is often broken. It offers you a chance to try anything. It bristles with possibility. Every game has a relationship with this promise, and most go something like this: You can try anything! Oh great, I'll try '[this]!', That's not a verb I recognise. The path of the text adventurer is one fraught with great disappointment, but also great excitement and glee when one's wishes are understood. And the more our wishes are understood, the more we trust the game and invest in its story.

What's The Blue doesn't have a consistent story, but rather dozens and dozens of different stories. With its breadth it comes a long way to fulfilling the promise of the parser. It isn't as complete as the multi-authored pick up the phone booth and aisle, but given that there is only one of Ruth it is impressive.

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Fingertips: What's That Blue Thing Doing Here? on IFDB

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