
by The Doppelganger

Episode 1 of Doppy & Pru Trilogy

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Baf's Guide

Normally, I wouldn't review a game I didn't finish, but this one, as it seems, hardly can be. The player finds her/himself in the bizarre Doppyworld (which consists of five sub-worlds) with lots of (rather barren) locations, plenty of (not too reasonable) characters, tons of, as the game blurb puts it, old junk lying around, but without any clue what (s)he's supposed to do. The only action that seemed logical (since it was suggested by the same game blurb) was giving the towel to the Doppelganger, which earned me exactly 10 points; what I got the other four and a half thousand or so for is still a mystery, and checking the score after every move to find out what the "magical actions" could have been was a bit troublesome. I thought I'd be awarded for bringing the rather randomly-looking items found in the game to places where they seemed most appropriate, but it was a mistake. Also, the characters would randomly pick the items up and drop them, and I think one had to chase them down over the rather extensive game map to trigger certain events... All in all, this is one to avoid - at least until a walkthrough becomes publicly available (which, I suspect, hardly will ever happen, considering the age of the game).

-- Valentine Kopteltsev

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