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Drifting Tavern

by Livia J. Elliot profile

Part of The World of Dely'rae

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About the Story

On the floating city-queendom of Grah'rel, the Drifting Tavern hovers gloriously above the Misty Sea, receiving customers from around the world of Dely'rae. I arrived as an apprentice bartender, seeking a new beginning and the mighty power of Glyphs—because Grah'rel never rests. Who comes today? Winged knights or a magician? A troublesome couple or lousy mercenaries? This is a lighthearted, cozy slice-of-life story with low stakes.


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Livia's Unearthed Stories ~ Cozy Fantasy by ProwessGames
Interactive stories written by Livia J. Elliot, lead writer at ProwessGames, for our game Unearthed Stories—a library of heavily thematic, speculative interactive fiction. This list includes Cozy Fantasy books only, set in the World of...

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This is version 2 of this page, edited by Livia J. Elliot on 30 August 2024 at 9:26pm. - View Update History - Edit This Page - Add a News Item - Delete This Page