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The Courting of Miss Bennet

by Michael Gray


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About the Story

Play through Pride and Prejudice, the classic romance novel! You are a young woman in 1813, hoping to find your true love. But which of your five suitors will you favor? The aloof nobleman Mr. Darcy? The amiable Mr. Bingley? The stuffy Mr. Collins, the kind-hearted Colonel Fitzwilliam, or the villainous Mr. Wickham?

The Courting of Miss Bennet is a 200,000 word interactive romance novel by Michael Gray, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Find love in the Regency era!
Play through the classic novel!
Choose from five different bachelors!
Experience courting in 1800's England!

Find your happy ending today!


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