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by Gregory Weir profile

(based on 13 ratings)
3 reviews14 members have played this game. It's on 26 wishlists.


Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 13 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A mid length horror game with a ton of PCs in the same environment, April 20, 2016

In this game, you are in a Manor with about 8 or 10 people and a dog, and you are all being hunted down one by one by a malevolent creature.

Your viewpoint changes dramatically and repeatedly, with each character viewing the environs differently. The actions you can take and the feelings you can have are all so different. It was a great experience.

After a ton of hand holding through different PCs, the game dumps you in a puzzley environment, which throws off the timing of the game. I only got one interesting ending, and not the best, but other reviewers have noted that no endings seemed satisfying.

Still, I recommend this for its atmosphere.

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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
A wonderful dive into a dark world., September 28, 2013
by theqbasicwizard (Leduc, Alberta)
Related reviews: snatches, inform, classic, online, game

I have recently spent the better half of three and a half hours playing this game and I must say it is truly an amazing story. A game that immersed me into a dark world which I must say I wanted and begged for more. I couldn't stop playing and when I had to leave for the washroom found myself hooked like that of an addict. Never before was I hooked on an online text adventure and I highly recommend everyone should have a go on this remarkable piece of art.

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4 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
No Way Out, April 30, 2011
by AmberShards (The Gothic South)

The problem with Snatches is that it lets a good idea get in the way of a good game.

The original approach intrigues, and then frustrates, and then you realize that you're along for the ride. There's no way out, no way off the rails, and the game consists of walking straight into the creature's clutches again and again. I can't say that's terribly satisfying from a playability perspective; the fact that the technique gets tired about the seventh time that you've experienced it doesn't help. (Spoiler - click to show)Really, did I have to be the dog? Talk about overusing a technique!

Anyway, Snatches gets props for being a horror game and not a Lovecraftian horror game. Its theme and tone remind me of the X-Files. The different characters perceive the world in vastly different ways according to their experiences and physical characteristics, and that's tough to pull off.

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3 Off-Site Reviews


It consists of several episodes from the perspective of different characters in the game (so that there're many player characters, but only one main hero), following in a random order. The narration is threaded by the aforementioned fight, cut-scenes of which occur after each episode like a refrain. This technique works very well -- to a no small extent thanks to the catchy writing (I've even considered to imitate it in my review, but finally let it be, realizing I'm not up to the task).
-- Valentine Kopteltsev
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By the time I got to the endgame, I was used to doing fairly obvious things and watching the story unfold. So when I hit the puzzley bit, it felt like an interruption. I didn't *want* to do anything clever at that point; I just wanted to finish the story! I found a couple of the less optimal (but more easily accessible) endings and then quit. If the final segment had been similar to the rest of the game, I would have enjoyed Snatches far more.
-- DJ Hastings
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>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

Snatches is a very ambitious game whose reach ultimately exceeds its grasp. It’s got some great things going for it: a compelling structure, vivid writing, and powerful drama. Unfortunately, it also has an uneven and railroady design, and it’s generally underimplemented, lacking the commitment to fully execute on its premise. Consequently, I kept wanting to be engaged by the game, but generally ended up frustrated instead.
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