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Tratamiento Mortal

by ivsaez


(based on 1 rating)
1 review1 member has played this game.

About the Story

Un año después de que Steisy fuera arrestada e ingresada en un psiquiátrico por matar a todos sus amigos del instituto, Marlon, su hermano y principal archienemigo, decide ir a visitarla para recordarle su derrota.


5th Place, Le Grand Guignol - Spanish - ECTOCOMP 2022

Ratings and Reviews

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Horrific uncanny valley 3d-models with humorously extravagant characters, November 2, 2022
by MathBrush
Related reviews: about 1 hour

This is the second entry in one of the weirdest series of IF games I've ever played.

Last year I played the first game, Fiesta Mortal, which was a bizarre kind of visual novel that used Sims-like 3d models with pre-Toy Story quality and a horrifying uncanny-valley look. There was a bunch of navigation and inventory trying to stop Steisy, the popular girl, from murdering everyone and you.

This game takes everything from the first game and amps it up. Steisy, now a psychiatric ward patient, looks horrifying with an immense grin and shaved head to support the Free Brittney moment (which she later finds out has already succeeded before she shaved her head).

Her brother, Marlon (I think, I can't remember), when he isn't busy spying on his 50-year old female neighbor with a telescope, wants to visit her to triumph over her. In the meantime, Steisy has to put up with rectal inspections by angry nurse Latoya and meetings with her cellmate and doctor.

Every Spanish swear word I ever learned is used a lot, as well as a few more I had to look up. The characters are oversized stereotypes and parodies, like the flat-earther who derails the game for an intense argument about how Nazis are building bases under the earth and made the south pole as a giant wall around the earth to hide the true mega-continent that lies on the edges.

Overall, the game is inappropriate or crass or over-stylized in many ways, but that is its style, and it kind of works, to be honest. It's like watching Trolls 2 or other B-movies. I think I would have backed out if it were in English due to weird content like severed PS1-style heads, but the language barrier helped provide a buffer between me and content. Wild experience.

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