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by Richard Otter profile

About the Story

Some people are happy working in an office, some become taxi cab drivers and some people will even teach. You are none of those; you are a 'lone-wolf gunmen who likes to maintain a low profile' or professional killer.

You are in your mid-40's with all the usual respectable trappings such as a nice house, good job, wife and two children. Considered to be a soft-spoken intellectual, in your spare time you have a passion for reading and your favourite pastime is cultivating shrubs and flowers.

You have always prided yourself on an ability to get the job done and to give value for money. In fact you have a very good reputation of getting the job done, no matter how complicated or difficult. Years of military training and discipline have honed the skills needed to execute a hit efficiently and dispassionately. So when the next piece of work comes in you quickly accept, especially when you have seen the fee.

A sheet of paper has just arrived with the target details; one poor soul is about to get taken out.

Page Update History

v.6: 14-May-2024 17:08 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed Web site URL, external review links
v.5: 27-Feb-2023 00:03 - Denk
Changed download links
v.4: 17-Apr-2009 00:16 - Richard Otter
Changed external review links
  v.3: 10-Jan-2008 17:55 - Richard Otter
Changed author
v.2: 23-Dec-2007 03:16 - Richard Otter
Changed publication date, description, forgiveness, Web site URL
v.1: 29-Sep-2007 20:48 - IFDB
Created page

Game Details