You came across this open door and you went through it... Didn't you...? You are HERE... And you must attempt to reach THERE...
'The Open Door' was released in 1988 by Tartan Software as part of the '6-in-1' package of introductory adventures, all of which used Tom D. Frost's 'Adventure Builder' for the ZX Spectrum. Having written a custom online engine, the game fitted perfectly with all the features that I wanted to try out, and this is the result. I have taken a number of liberties with the game and, hopefully, made it a little more user-friendly than the original release, although it is, at its heart, true to its predecessor.
Language: English (en) First Publication Date: December 9, 2020 Current Version: 1.0
License: Public Domain Development System: Custom IFID: Unknown TUID: