
by Cody Sandifer

Episode 6 of Textfire 12-pack
Slice of life, Surreal

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A hoax demo (RR #6), October 9, 2012

George is an extremely short game set in a zoo. Apparently it was part of a hoax, which explains its duration and abrubt, unfinished end.

The plot involves two friends (or lovers), who appear to be drugged up and ready to embark on a dangerous mission (which is a combination always good for netting one a Darwin award). The game text breaks the fourth wall in one or two places, referring to the non-existent full version.

If this was but the beginning of an author's debut game, George would be a promising venture, but in its existing form this game is not worth the time it takes to download it.


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Andy Devil, October 10, 2012 - Reply
btw, does anybody have anything to say about how I write my reviews? comments would be appreciated :-)
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