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A Day at the Iachini House

by Michael Iachini

(based on 1 rating)
1 review1 member has played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

Spend a day at the Puzzle house doing light household chores.

Ratings and Reviews

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
A pleasant, if forgetable, diversion, August 25, 2008
by David Welbourn (Kitchener, Ontario)

One of the better games in the "my house" genre. It's somewhat bland but goodnatured throughout, and fine for a lazy Sunday afternoon when you don't want to think too much but want to play a game with more than ten rooms to it.

All you need to do is carry out the chores that Mrs. Puzzle has left with you, then take a shower and watch some TV when you're done. The game is blissfully free of angst, aliens, monsters, and pseudoscience; the most irksome thing is the inventory limit, and even that isn't too bad. Puzzles are fairly lightweight, and you'll probably breeze through most of them faster than you can eat a trayful of lemon meringue tarts. Nom nom nom.

Oh sure, you'll forget about this game a week after you've played it. There's nothing much that stands out about it. But it's fine for what it is: just a pleasant way to waste an hour playing IF.

(p.s. The Puzzle family seems to be based on the author's real family, and I imagine the family's surname was changed just before the game was released.)

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1 Off-Site Review

Review by David Whyld
A Day At The Iachini House is one of those ADRIFT games that we unfortunately don't see enough of: well written and puzzle driven. Of storyline there is little: the Puzzle Family are out of town and you have volunteered to do some chores around their house - fixing a broken step in the kitchen, washing an afghan, getting a fire going, etc. - but then this is a game which concentrates more on the puzzles and less on the storyline and I get the feeling the storyline could have been missed out altogether and it wouldn't have made a whole lot of difference.
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