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The Archers

by Pete Austin and Joan Lamb


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About the Story

If they put you in charge of The Archers, how would you change life in Ambridge? Here's your chance to find out. In this four-part, illustrated, text game you are the story editor, taking the plot decisions for:

  • Jack Woolley
  • Eddie Grundy
  • Elizabeth Archer
  • Nelson Gabriel

You're in charge, but you'll have to face the consequences of your decisions. They may cause a stir in The Bull—or in Broadcasting House. Watch out for memos from the Controller Radio 4 and see how you fare in the charts!

Level 9 Computing has teamed up with scriptwriters from the world's longest-running broadcast serial to create a game that takes you behind the scenes—and into the heart of Ambridge life.

1 Off-Site Review

Your Sinclair

"Not so much a program, more a way of country life, or perhaps a course in scriptwriting in this Level 9/Mosaic joint venture which follows the success last Christmas of the similarly styled Adrian Mole. After a quick burst of that well-known theme tune, you're straight into the multi-choice game. A few more instructions wouldn't go amiss, as although the cassette inlay is choc-a-bloc with them, nowhere are you told that you can type in commands like HELP and SCORE if you can break out of the 1/2/3 multiple- choice options (I only discovered it by typing in a nonsense input.)"
See the full review


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Game Details

Language: English (en)
Current Version: Unknown
License: Commercial (Out of Print)
Development System: A-Code
IFIDs:  ALAN-780C3ECD0DEE9568DA9C73F0047A5183
TUID: ewvipgetg62dislv

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