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Time Before Memory

by Cecilia Dougherty

Episode 1 of Paleolithic
Speculative Fiction

(based on 1 rating)
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About the Story

This is a story about human life in prehistory. The characters are a band of Neanderthals, led by the woman Haizea, and a band of Cro-Magnons, one of whom is Haizea's lover, Esti. The two groups live in a delicate harmony but tensions break out and the Neanderthals are forced to flee.

The direction the story takes is up to you. The player takes the persona of Haizea.

If you want more of the story, use the back and forward arrows to make more choices. The more choices you make, the fuller the story becomes. This story is speculative fiction, so chronological accuracy, archeological exactness, and anthropological certainty may not always be in effect.

1 Off-Site Review

Arcade Project
Excavating Humanity
Review and analysis of the game's themes by Tony Huffman.
See the full review


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