The Dead

by Xander Kyron


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Number of Reviews: 1
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From the Author

The game is on unlisted on the original website from years ago for a reason, it was a joke to elicit reactions when I was a kid and obviously it was never supposed to be on this site, and now I want this page taken down because people can actually find it from here and link it to my name - I ALSO never gave permission for my name (personal information) to be placed on this website.

Note: this rating is not included in the game's average.

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<blank>, August 4, 2016 - Reply
Thank you for clearing this matter. I understand that this page was created by a bot, which for a period of time imported Quest games into IFDB.

If you have any qualms about the bot, I believe you can take it up with the maintainer of Quest, but it's moot now because it was deactivated soon after.

Regarding your qualms about this page existing, saying that "you now want it take it down" on a review is unlikely to help much; no one here has the power to do that. However, if you e-mail Michael Roberts, who maintains IFDB and who responds quickly to any queries, I believe that in the circumstances he'll quickly accede to your request.

Should you want to consult with anyone else in the Quest forums, it might even be possible to remove every page that was originated by the bot. Possibly. I wouldn't know, but it wouldn't hurt to ask
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