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by Coral Nulla


About the Story

As a recent recruit to the Agency of Narrative Intervention, you are tasked with playing the role of a "manic pixie dream girl". Following a strict outline, you must use your screwball wackiness to push a series of characters out of their comfort zones. But what happens to you after they get their happy endings?
I really wanted to make something for the Anti-Romance Jam since I have about three thousand ideas on that topic, but I didn't have enough time to do justice to more than one piece. While trying to find a different perspective that might let me use multiple ideas, this concept struck me and I realised it was perfect. I'm pretty proud of what I managed to achieve, even if it's a little rough around the edges, so I hope you enjoy playing!
Made using Decker, the greatest invention since sliced microchips.
Recommended listening: Allie X, Anna McClellan, Bess Atwell, HAIM, Halsey, Liv.e, Marika Hackman, Porridge Radio, The WÆVE, Winter Took His Life, Wolf Alice.

Page Update History

v.2: 01-Aug-2023 08:47 - Coral Nulla (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed author
  v.1: 01-Aug-2023 08:47 - autumnc
Created page

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