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Sinclair ZX Spectrum Application
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The Quest for the Sacred Flame of Hestia

by Simon D. Allan

The Quill
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About the Story

You are Jason the son of Aeson of Lolcus. Your Father needs to meet with you urgently at the Palace to discuss the new Temple he has built in honour of the Goddess Hestia. The Temple will have a hearth inside it and the fire will be used to light every lantern and stove within the City walls. The hearth must be lit before the next full moon and your Father will provide you with further details of your quest when you meet with him.

(Introduction text)


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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: September 18, 2019
Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware
Development System: The Quill
IFIDs:  1067A8B04A8B41628425B205D3DFEED4
TUID: d95rcm1ro1ifpbm2

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