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by William J. Shlaer

About the Story

You feel like weeping; you might as well have stayed by the slit in the stream bed and waited for plate tectonics to widen it. You are in front of that all too familiar white house again! Replay the beginnings of Adventure/Zork, with a few twists...
[--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

Page Update History

v.5: 06-May-2022 00:43 - Paul O'Brian (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
v.4: 19-May-2013 06:04 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.3: 09-May-2008 11:11 - Paul O'Brian
Changed external review links
  v.2: 11-Mar-2008 15:24 - David Welbourn
Changed description
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:48 - IFDB
Created page

Game Details