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Augmented Fourth

by Brian Uri!

Page Update History

v.13: 29-Jun-2020 15:55 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
v.12: 31-Mar-2020 06:58 - BU
Changed version number
v.11: 08-Jan-2020 13:40 - BU
Changed cover art
v.10: 27-Feb-2019 09:34 - David Welbourn
Changed download links
v.9: 07-Mar-2017 08:05 - BU
Changed Web site URL
v.8: 22-Nov-2015 12:30 - Leaden
Changed IFIDs
v.7: 04-Jul-2013 08:26 - BU
Changed publication date, version number, description, forgiveness, Web site URL
v.6: 24-Feb-2013 09:34 - Edward Lacey
Changed external review links
v.5: 01-Aug-2009 13:45 - Juhana
Changed version number
v.4: 11-Apr-2008 10:36 - Emily Short
Changed description
v.3: 10-Apr-2008 19:50 - Emily Short
Changed cover art
  v.2: 05-Apr-2008 13:37 - Emily Short
Changed external review links
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:48 - IFDB
Created page

1 Off-Site Review

Augmented Fourth is a fairly easy puzzle romp whose appeal lies in wackily charming worldbuilding and sly jokes/reworkings of classic IF and fantasy tropes. It's well-crafted and polished (going to show, perhaps, that there's no reason an author's first-ever release can't be competently assembled) and I encountered no bugs. It did, however, have some irritating patches, mostly related to the design of the puzzles.
See the full review

Game Details