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Take Over the World

by Marie L. Vibbert


(based on 10 ratings)
3 reviews12 members have played this game.

About the Story

Guess it's time to take over the world. Somebody has to.

You live in East Cleveland, Ohio, so your options are limited, but urban-chic.

Find the right evil lair, recruit a mad scientist, and foil the East Cleveland authorities. Who knows - you may even end up leading an army of giant robots through Pittsburgh before you are done.


Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 10 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A goofy evil genius game with graphics, May 10, 2017

In this game, you play an evil genius taking over the world. It's a Twine game with some hand drawn graphics, an invebtiry, and non-trivial branching.

It's a goofy humor game. The author did a good job with descriptive language and polishing up the links and graphics, and the interactivity is definitely non-trivial, but overall it didn't gel for me.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Somewhat funny tongue in cheek game, January 6, 2017
by Ruber Eaglenest
Related reviews: IF Comp 2016

Disclaimer: (Spoiler - click to show)Hi, this are the reviews I did in the the IFComp 2016. I’m Ruber Eaglenest. Co-author of The skyscraper and the scar, and entry of that year. The review is posted without edition, and need some context about how I reviewed and rated the games. So, apart of my bad English I hope to be constructive. I will point to the things I don't like of the game, but I hope to be helpful. The structure I follow is this: Title, one line review, two to five word; Mobile friendliness, overall, score phrased based on IF comp guidelines. I had back ache and so that’s why I played most games in Android mobile, I looked closely at how games behave on mobile and review and vote based on that.

Mobile friendly: almost there. It is playable but the view must be panned to enjoy the images.

Overall: This is a virtual tour for some places of Cleveland. It is well written in a light tone that is slightly funny. The game is a branchy “try to get the hidden winning branch” combining the resources at your disposal. In the end that’s feels somewhat to random luck, or “read the author’s mind”, but because each branch fell on the short side, you can replay easily.

My main caveat about this game is some dissonance in the loops. Just, the game doesn’t track the state of the game and adapt itself properly for a looping passage, instead it just repeats the same text again and again, and that is not narratively correct.

It is ok, but it is not of my tastes.

Score: Recommended, because maybe someone could enjoy this more than I.

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Urban-chic supervillany , October 25, 2016
by Owlor (Sweden)

I am a fan of low-level supervillany. There's something inherently amusing to me to see someone with great world-overtaking ambitions having to claw their way up to a position that matches their self-image. I feel like maybe I'm missing something here as I'm not American and not familiar with Cleveland as a city. Possibly it's even more interesting if you know the stereotype it riffs on.

It is nicely illustrated with funny images that hints at the possible outcomes of the game and the atmosphere is generally light-hearted and comedic. It's a game I've recommended to people outside of IF and had them enjoy it a lot!

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1 Off-Site Review

The Breakfast Review
The humour is fairly meta: this is a game that's fully aware of the tropes--it is, in a way, a pastiche of tropes--and it's having fun with them. Our inventory, for instance, includes our chosen lair, the minions we've picked up, and qualities such as "frustration" and "good taste". We're not expected to be emotionally invested in the quest; rather, we are expected to grin at all the hanging lampshades.
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