Moonmist is an interactive fiction computer game written by Stu Galley and Jim Lawrence and published by Infocom in 1986.
** Be sure to grab the "extras" package on the internet - originally paper brochures that came in the original packaging, they will enhance your experience if you can grab them as a pdf and read prior to starting the game.
The player's character is a young detective, asked by friend Tamara Lynd to investigate her new home of Tresyllian Castle in Cornwall, England. Tamara has recently become engaged to the castle's lord, Jack Tresyllian. She was very happy until she began seeing what appeared to be The White Lady, a ghost who has allegedly haunted the castle for centuries.
As if seeing a ghost wasn't nerve-racking enough, she's also begun to fear for her life. Is Tamara's imagination just overly excited from living in a large old castle, or is someone really trying to kill her? And if her life is in danger, is it from a ghost or someone using it as a disguise?
I enjoyed the atmosphere created, and exploring an old coastal castle and its secrets was fun. It could have used more depth and playability (perhaps instead of splitting it into 4 parts that doesn't really extend playability, just shorten it?)
Interesting twist when I realised the consequences to answering my favorite colour at the start, and not just that the guest room happened to be made in that colour!
Well worth a few hours of your time.