A·L·I·E·N: La aventura - Edición Especial
by Alpha Aventuras (Ricardo Pérez, Manuel Millán, Francisco J. Roldán, Manuel I. Monge, Antonio Matiola, and Francisco Picazo)
I mean it. I've played some horror games before, particularly suspenseful ones, but not one has come close to scaring the living daylights like ALIEN has. First off, I'd just like to say that I have not actually finished this game, partly because I'm not a fluent Spanish speaker so solving the more complex puzzles was a little beyond my language ability, but mostly because I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest and run off to watch a feel-good movie. That's how terrifying this game is. If you've seen the Alien movies, you'll know that the tension is based around the protagonist(s) being hunted by a merciless and lethal alien life-form in a confined, thoroughly claustrophobic setting. So picture that, except you're the protagonist, you don't have any plot armor, you don't know what you're doing, and your lantern's battery is running out. And, yes, the alien is hunting you. In real frigging time. Like that, plus extremely frightening sound effects, top-notch atmosphere, blood-chilling graphics, and, oh, yeah, the only way you can detect the alien is a motion sensor that tells you how close it is. Maybe now you understand why I couldn't keep playing... maybe when I'm feeling a little braver, I'll try again-- it's too good of a game to miss.