I enjoyed this game--in particular the daily tasks of my character, reading the paper, my brief interactions with neighbors, etc... the writing was good, the characters seemed (mostly) well-written, and the actual game had me hooked.
The ending was a bit of a let-down: I found two endings, but wasn't entirely sure what was going on, and was left uncertain about my characters future.
All in all, I enjoyed this game, and am hopeful of reading other (spoiled) reviews with different impressions of the ending.
The game ending and full plot spoiler below--
(Spoiler - click to show)
Were you satisfied with either ending?
I don't really understand what happened.
A vampire moved onto my street, and forced me to kidnap and murder a young woman at the opening? The vampire seems to be sexually attracted to my character, but I don't understand why, or what he wants from me.
The neighbors were interesting, although limited, they mostly felt real and different from each other.
In the "good"? ending, I gain my soul back from using Elisabeth's mirror--I think--and my character wakes up in the hospital bed post coma. But, I apparently murdered a woman and then failed in suicide, so I'm not sure how good this is.
In the bad ending, I think I wake up as a newly created vampire, and slave to the new neighbor--so, definitely not good.
Any other thoughts? Did I misread those?
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