Minimal Game

by Michael Bub


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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
A fun, short meta-game about beating a game by switching versions, December 22, 2023
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This game has a clever meta concept: you have to switch between different versions of the game, installing and uninstalling upgrades to progress.

In early versions of the game, you can see things like objects with can't be interacted with or placeholder text. In later versions, you get more advanced things like NPC conversation.

This idea of being able to switch back and forth between the two modes and explore outside the bounds of the game is brilliant!

It just doesn't last very long, and it can be hard to figure out when you can use these abilities or why. So the concept has great promise, and this version is okay, but I didn't feel that it filled out the measure of its promise.

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