| Average Rating: based on 2 ratings Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2 Write a review |
- EJ, January 2, 2024
This is a game from the Single Choice jam written using Ren'py.
It depicts an annoying situation edging towards disturbing where the main character 'you-chan' meets 'yandere-chan', who is cosplaying as a yandere girlfriend from an anime (here 'yandere' being part of a classification of character personality types, including tsundere and kuuder, with yandere being the personality type that is obsessive and mixes romance with violence and abusive behavior).
There are two endings depending on your single choice. Mine went from a kind of cutish, annoying meeting to a deeply disturbing one, as is appropriate for a yandere situation. I didn't feel super invested in the storyline, but the descent into danger was handled pretty well I think.