One Foot Down

by Jason Reigstad

Slice of life

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Baf's Guide

A mediocre game that's well aware it's mediocre, and isn't ashamed of this fact. The author's position in this regard, as well as his sober estimation of his creation command respect for him; the work itself, however, is much less impressing. One could think of many suggestions for improving One Foot Down; the most obvious would probably be, adding more customized behaviour to things, and fixing the spelling mistake in the very first room description. Further on, the game suffers a bit from "guess the verb & read the author's mind" puzzles; and while it isn't really that bad - not more than 5% of the game's puzzles fall within the aforementioned category - it still makes using the walkthrough practically a necessity for successful completion. Besides, the only reason One Foot Down failed to insult me is, I'm just not an easily offended person - the game certainly isn't suitable for children, as well as for too sensitive adults. All in all, I'd agree with what the author said in his notes about the game - it's not the best choice for getting introduced to IF, but it could be entertaining for the more experienced (and illusion-free) player, although this entertainment is somewhat recherché.

-- Valentine Kopteltsev

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