
by Zoe H

Inform 7

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Keep At It!, February 16, 2016

I wouldn't call this a bad game, I would say "unfinished." I'm not saying it necessarily needs more content; there's nothing wrong with being short. What you have here is good, but there are a few fairly simple things I think could be done to make the game world a little more cohesive.

I don't want to go into specifics. Honestly, I just wrote this review because I wanted to encourage you to keep exploring Inform, because I really like some of the things you've done with this. And, unless you're already working furiously on your next project, I would encourage you to put a little more time into this one.

If I were to make one specific suggestion it would be this: get rid of the opening preface about the game not being good or interesting. It's not true, and you shouldn't sell yourself short!

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