This is one of the better Scott Adams games (probably the second best one, after The Count). Admittedly, I have a soft spot for it, as I solved it entirely on my own (over the course of like a year), as I would periodically play it, and suddenly get a new idea, until I finally had completed it. I had the Scott Adams Graphical Adventure (SAGA) version that I bought in 1984, for my old 64K, Apple II-compatible system (Franklin Ace 1000), with a green monochrome monitor, no less (although I did later get a chance to see what it looked like in color...after a friend of mine stole a color monitor from a school in 1985 - hey, I'm an IF fan, not a saint).
Obviously, this is a Scott Adams game, and thus relies on a fairly lame two-word parser, with weak descriptions, etc. But the graphics helped bring it alive, and it was better than nearly all other Scott Adams games (only Pirate Adventure approaches it, other than for the previously noted The Count). The puzzles and concepts of the game were fairly cool (although I'm not sure a "Voodoo Castle" makes sense; was it something built by a French nobleman in Haiti, or what?), and were also difficult enough so that it took me a long time to solve them, and yet not so difficult that I just got permanently stuck. I may pull this one out again, after nearly 25 years, and see if I can figure out how to solve it again. Recommended for nostalgists. People used to Infocom-quality fare probably won't want to stoop to playing this, alas, but if you're curious about the old Scott Adams games, this is a great place to start. One quibble; the "castle" was rather small. Seemed more like "Voodoo House."