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The Citadel

by Jack Lockerby

PAW (Professional Adventure Writer)
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About the Story

For centuries now the peoples of this land had been at odds with each other and every now and again this "uneasy" peace would erupt into bitter conflict. This time the conflict had been going on for almost 20 years and the vast majority of the inhabitants of the land had either fled or perished. All that now remained between the warring armies and lasting peace was the place known as "The Citadel". This was a vast enclave, surrounded by five great walls (each one 15 feet thick) and designed to withstand the most furious of attacks.

The battle had commenced and the great "war-rams" of Zuron's army were pounding on the first of the walls when the King summoned you to his chamber. "Unless we can re-activate the huge dragon statues that guard the inner-wall, Zuron and his troops will over-run this place and we shall all perish by the sword. With the aid of these statues and their fiery flames we stand a chance of defeating Zuron and perhaps bringing a halt to the proceedings. Take this torch and seek out the "EVERLASTING FLAME" that burns in the far northern mountain range. With this we can ignite the fiery breath of the dragons and thus defeat Zuron's hordes. You must return before the inner-wall is breached and to help you keep track of events I am giving you this necklet - it will tell you when each of the walls has been breached - it will also bring your life to a close with a lethal dose of poison should you either decide to run away or if the fifth wall falls to Zuron's warriors. Now make your way to the secret exit in the lower reaches of the dungeons and may the Gods grant you speed and good luck ..."

So it was that you found yourself - armed only with a necklet and a small horn - in the undergrowth at the edge of the woods. Will you to able to make your way to the sight of the "EVERLASTING FLAME" or will the traps and pitfalls between here and there prove too much even for such an adventurer as you. Only time will tell ... "Good luck!"


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