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Perfect Darkness

by Sisi Peng profile, wabblejack, and merrygold


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About the Story

The Light God's mysts threaten to overtake the whole continent. Choose your path! Play as a Guardian or a Mystic as you climb Mystfire Mountain to confront the Light God head-on, accompanied by your childhood friend.

What does your story reveal about each of you?

A short (15-30 min) interactive fiction experience in Twine. Submitted for the Single Choice Jam in August 2024.

Best played in Chrome browser.

Content Warnings:

Includes references to death, self-hatred, and violence.


merrygold - Creative direction, game design, programming, writing (ending), ideation, editing

wabblejack- Writing (Mystic path), ideation, editing

Sisi Peng - Writing (Guardian path), ideation, editing, itch page

Nathan Barrett - Sound design, music, sound effects

Najmah Salam - Cover art

Engine - Twine

Cover image - https://www.needpix.com/photo/767777/



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This is version 3 of this page, edited by Sisi Peng on 9 September 2024 at 5:38am. - View Update History - Edit This Page - Add a News Item - Delete This Page