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As Prescribed

by Not-Only But-Also profile


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About the Story

A text-based sandbox game in which you discover ways to die by combining various illnesses, drugs, and meals. Nothing in the game makes sense; nothing happens for a reason, and players frequently might find themselves uncomfortable. But this is to be expected when you're dying.


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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: February 24, 2023
Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware
Development System: Twine
IFIDs:  5F4D065C-6656-4F62-AE6E-32862ED1AF52
TUID: a0wlyjvj2v58nipa

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This is version 2 of this page, edited by Not-Only But-Also Riley on 8 July 2024 at 3:31am. - View Update History - Edit This Page - Add a News Item - Delete This Page