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by nahuel denegri

(based on 1 rating)
1 review

Ratings and Reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
I'm a homeless man...no I'm the sun..., June 7, 2014
by Hanon Ondricek (United States)

This is an ambitious multimedia prose piece (only interactive in that you click the highlighted word to continue) in Quest by an author not writing in the native language. In a way, some of the strange English constructions work in its favor, describing some of the detail in the images a very oblique and fascinating light. I commend the author who does a good job with some very evocative turns of phrase and shifts in perspective.

On the other hand, there are passages that are over-written and I might have appreciated one clear image or metaphor rather than a long paragraph explaining that this person is my father and this person is someone named Emma and ... There are a lot of different people involved in this, and something tragic has happened. Someone fell out a window and I think I'm supposed to feel very maudlin and affected by this, but I've got so many random people suffering I don't know which one to identify with.

There is also music, which is very Soundblaster Midi sounding, which synchronizes with the passages. Some is helpful and appropriate when plaintive in the background, but there was one cue that was so 60's Suspense Organ Sting that made me grin and think of Doctor Who, which wasn't what the author was going for, I think!

I appreciate the effort, and hope the author continues to write.

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Current Version: Unknown
IFID: Unknown
TUID: 9ibhe2f4ng2djy1

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