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by Justin Lowmaster

(based on 1 rating)
1 review5 members have played this game.

About the Story

When you become famous, life chages, and doing ordinary tasks becomes a game of hide and seek with intrusive photographers. You find yourself in a public place full of photographers and must find a way out.

An entry in the IFBeginnersComp and the Interactive Short Fiction Competition.

Ratings and Reviews

2 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
A good start, March 16, 2008

The game is a good start for a beginning author. That being said, it has its fair share of problems, beginning with the story that resembles a bad fanfic of a B-class action movie. The locations have very shallow implementations and the prose is sloppy. The chase scene finale fails to convey any sense of danger or speed and is broken in quite many ways.

After all these faults, why do I then call the game a good start? The game is released with source code and it contains a section with several paragraphs of author brainstorming and analyzing the game. The final game has very little left from what seems to be the initial plan - with a bit more time and devotion (and beta testing!) the author has the potential do a lot better.

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Games with Chases by Jeremy Freese
The chase scene, a staple of Scooby Doo and action movies, but how often has it been done in IF?

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