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Siege of Treboulain

by Jed Herne


Web Site

About the Story

Defend your magical city from an invading army! Use swords, spells, and strategy to save your people, lead them to glory, and build a legacy for the ages.

Siege of Treboulain is a 280,000-word interactive epic fantasy novel by Jed Herne. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Treboulain rests on the power of arborturgy, the magic that governs plants and all growing things. With the recent death of your mother, the queen, you now sit on the Throne of Thorns, the nightmarish chair of royalty that extracts blood from whoever dares to sit upon it.

When a ruthless army of horse warriors besieges the towering walls of Treboulain, will you take to the walls yourself, inspiring the soldiers with your own martial might and stirring speeches? Will you command the defense from a distance, using your sharp tactical mind? Or will you draw upon the vast powers of nature itself, strangling your enemies with barbed vines?

Should you fill the moat with traps, train elite magicians, or recruit mercenaries for a surprise attack? How will you manage your dwindling resources? And what will you do when deadly conspiracies begin to come to light, threatening to shake your reign—and your city—to its very core?

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Page Update History

v.5: 01-Feb-2023 12:05 - autumnc (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed cover art
  v.4: 01-Feb-2023 12:05 - autumnc
Changed development system, description
v.3: 28-Dec-2022 00:57 - JTN
Changed publication date, license type, language, genre, Web site URL, download links
v.2: 27-Dec-2022 04:37 - taski897
Changed author
v.1: 27-Dec-2022 04:36 - taski897
Created page