
by E. Jade Lomax


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Number of Reviews: 8
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Save the world...when you feel like it, August 30, 2023

This was a lovely game experience. Usually, when a story buries the lede it doesn't serve it well--in this case, a major hook arriving at what seemed like the end of the story? Absolutely fascinating.

I am a sucker for the mechanic of this game--(Spoiler - click to show)Groundhog Day/loop/repeating days, or lifetimes in this case. (I was glad I didn't know about it going in, so I recommend playing before reading any reviews!) There is something about the way it drives narrative and player experience that will always compel me.

It also felt like a game--something I don't see as much with choice-based pieces. There was a clear mystery to solve and I had to plan my steps to try and figure it out. I had a lot of fun exploring my options.

The writing style is a bit removed, which is not normally my preference, but it's strong and consistent throughout the story and does lend itself well to the game mechanic. The story is detailed where it needs to be and streamlined in other places. I would, a bit, question the "dating sim" aspect of the game as it never felt to me like the relationships were the point of the narrative but rather a natural byproduct of it. Though I wasn't unsatisfied, so I won't question that hard.

Overall, great experience. I'm glad I played.

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