Chateau Gaillard

by Tim Hartnell


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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
C version available, January 9, 2023

This is an old game from 1983 with educational purpose, since the aim of the book was to teach how to code adventure games in BASIC.

I've ported this game to C, starting from a port in C++.
You can download the C source code from my website Retroprogrammez !

The article is in French, but the game in English.

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virtuadept, June 20, 2024 - Reply
Thank you for the link to the C conversion! When I was 16 and had a home PC in 1985 ish I keyed in all of the games from Tim Hartnell's book (and a couple from his other works, Big Book of Computer Games or something). I was tripping down Nostalgia Lane and started hunting down source for this again (because in my 50's I'm far to lazy to retype that ****, lol).
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