This is perhaps the worst IF game I've ever played. Dancing Even Him? lacks any real plot and contains a series of the simplest one-move puzzles I've ever seen. Going through the game, I felt like I was in some warped, five-minute version of an Indiana Jones movie. The puzzles (if they can even be called that) consisted almost exclusively of climbing and pulling levers. There is some atrocious grammar in the descriptions and it's obvious that the author didn't proof-read the text more than once (if at all).
The only good thing I can say about the game is that I rather liked the revelation about the title in the end. It made me chuckle slightly (in that depressed way people chuckle when they realize they just wasted three minutes of their lives). If the title interests you at all, you should devote five minutes to Dancing Even Him? to discover its meaning. Otherwise, don't bother with this game.
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