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This game requires an interpreter program - refer to the game's documentation for details.

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The Intercept

by Jon Ingold, inkle


About the Story

Bletchley Park, 1942. A component from the Bombe machine, used to decode intercepted German messages, has gone missing. One of the cryptographers is waiting to be interviewed, under direst suspicion. Is he stupid enough to have attempted treason? Or is he clever enough to get away?

Page Update History

v.7: 28-Sep-2012 06:28 - Juhana (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed cover art, development system, download links
v.6: 09-Jan-2022 08:05 - Juhana
Changed development system
v.5: 21-Mar-2014 15:55 - salty-horse
Changed Web site URL
v.4: 28-Sep-2012 06:31 - jingold
Changed author
v.3: 28-Sep-2012 06:30 - jingold
Changed author
v.2: 28-Sep-2012 06:30 - jingold
Changed author
  v.1: 28-Sep-2012 06:28 - jingold
Created page

Game Details