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Contains The Terrible Doubt of Appearances​/The Terrible Doubt of Appearances.gblorb
All the entries to IntroComp 2014.
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The Terrible Doubt of Appearances

by Buster Hudson profile

Inform 7

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About the Story

The hour is late, and you sleep--or you would be, if this woman wasn't in your bedroom. Who is she? Why is she here so informally at such an hour? And why is she no taller than your hand? Perhaps if you do as she asks, she'll leave you alone.

(This was an entry to IntroComp, and is thus incomplete.)


3rd Place - IntroComp 2014


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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: July 22, 2014
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: B4E4173F-59D6-4169-AC00-E4DC646AE728
TUID: 6ni8g0uhnl44sc7

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