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level9.zip *
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Application
zx.zip *
Contains Silicon Dreams 1 - Snowball.z80
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Application
Play online (BBC Micro version)
playable online in BBC Micro emulator at The Complete BBC Games Archive
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beebgames.zip *
Contains Snowball.zip
BBC Micro version
Defaults - All Systems Application
atari8gm.zip *
This game requires an interpreter program - refer to the game's documentation for details.
Manual *
For the Silicon Dreams trilogy
'Eden Song' novella *
Novella accompanying the Silicon Dreams trilogy, by Peter McBride.
Original Level 9 clue sheet
* Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.

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by Mike Austin, Nick Austin, Pete Austin, and Ian Buxton

Episode 1 of Silicon Dreams
Science Fiction

(based on 9 ratings)
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About the Story

You play Kim Kimberley, secret agent extraordinary.

Your mission: to safeguard the interstar transport, Snowball 9, as a last resort following catastrophic accident or sabotage.

Thus when your modified freezer-coffin wakes you with the Snowball still in transit, you know that something must be very wrong. You're weakened and disorientated from lengthy hibernation, but the fate of two million passengers is in your hands!

2 Off-Site Reviews


"Snowball is a large adventure game with over seven thousand locations but don’t let this dissuade you from undertaking the adventure as many of the locations are repeated. Although this may give rise to misgivings concerning the structure of the game, let me at once allay such fears. Snowball 9 is an interstar transport and the repeated locations reflect the symmetry inherent in any well-designed, modular spacecraft.

Level 9 have produced a lavish booklet giving 12 pages of information and background that leaves the fanciful efforts of less literate manufacturers firmly folded within their highly decorative cassette cases. In short it is excellent and reveals a literary style and flair which imbues the whole work, and owes much to a careful consideration of the game as a wholesome concept as opposed to a mere flight of whimsy. TV Star Trek fans may know something of which I speak.

The booklet, like the adventure, is both informed and pointedly witty in a way that only science fiction can be. It includes a geopolitical summary of 2195 and paints a not implausible picture of five big sophisticated, fully urbanised nations overseeing a status quo that has the Free Nations poor and under-developed. In the near future the Big 5 will finally decide to help but in the 2190s they are chasing stars."
See the full review

Silicon Dreams
"You play Kim Kimberley and you are woken from your hibernation to sort out an urgent problem. A crazy female hijacker has taken over the central control room, planning to fly the ship into the nearest sun! You will first have to avoid the dreaded Nightingales to escape from the first few locations before you can even consider trying to prevent the hijacker's plans coming to fruition."
See the full review


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