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Dance With Me

by Livia J. Elliot profile


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About the Story

In a world of beauty, a ceramic-made ballerina awakens atop her music box. She must dance for her elven owners, and so her ballet goes on and on. They praise her elegance, her poise and balance, until one day she falls and her ceramic fractures—but the ballerina stands and dances again, ignoring her ever-increasing cracks. The music plays, captivating and demanding... but should she dance? Even when what she once loved becomes a trap? This is a dark fantasy exploring the confines of depression.

1 Off-Site Review

SFF Insiders
“... it’s said that the scarcity of empathy is the root of all evil…”
In a world of beauty, a ceramic-made ballerina awakens atop her music box. She must dance for her elven owners, and so her ballet goes on and on. They praise her elegance, her poise and balance, until one day she falls and her ceramic fractures–but the ballerina stands and dances again, ignoring her ever-increasing cracks. The music plays, captivating and demanding … but should she dance? Even when what she once loved becomes a trap? This is a dark fantasy exploring the confines of depression.
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Livia's Unearthed Stories ~ Dark Fantasy by ProwessGames
Interactive stories written by Livia J. Elliot, lead writer at ProwessGames, for our game Unearthed Stories—a library of heavily thematic, speculative interactive fiction. This list includes DARK FANTASY books only.

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This is version 2 of this page, edited by Livia J. Elliot on 1 September 2024 at 7:58am. - View Update History - Edit This Page - Add a News Item - Delete This Page