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Zombie Apocalypse: Part 1
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Zombie Apocalypse: Part 1

by ChelseaFC13


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About the Story

Your girlfriend of 5 years left you, apparently you didnt fight for her enough. Its been 4 weeks since she left, and 2 since the outbreak. Cities have been taken over by the mass hordes of the undead. With no word from your family, you need to trek across the city, to make sure both your family AND ex are okay.

Comment and rate guys. Ideas, corrections, all are welcome


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Game Details

First Publication Date: November 26, 2013
Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware
Development System: quest
IFID: F53ED55C-1BEA-4B8E-891A-60C952590263
TUID: 4gxa61ngsv8d3mfz

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