Dragon Fate

by Kris Schnee


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Starts slow (which is not bad), but a vary enjoyable read., October 21, 2017
by Peedeoo7 (North America)

Particularly I find the ending sequences particularly entertaining. Unlike every other adventure your not swarmed by opponents, and the ones you do encounter make sense. There is a fair bit of lore, and if you look closely and pay attention alongside some brainpower, you can find the less obvious endings.

I find this game is best taken slowly, not super action packed, such there is no need to rush, and if you do you will miss things, (good hint)(Spoiler - click to show)re-combing the areas you been to could be a possibly good idea, if you know what I mean.

Some things that happen can mess with your mind a little (not in a bad way, rather quite amusing how it happens). Not all fates that end with you living are... what you expect.... So look around.

Surprisingly this is the first interactive novel that the author released and there already something to be desired.

Looking forwards to more.

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