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by Rob


About the Story

"Why are you never here for me?" The usual obsessive question that never leaves my mind. I thought that our "part-time" story before your archeology degreee was the embryonic state of something more important, but your passion for the past has completely absorbed you. I always thought that a relationship was made of sharing life but,obviously, it's not like that for you (i can see you even now shaking your head and telling me to grow). Even having received the keys of you apartment in Milan did not make me less "ancillary" to your life. Damn keys! If only they could open your mind too. I could understrand if our relationship really interests you. I feel that even today our meeting will not take place. You're late...As usual! ps: A jump into the past. An old-fashioned adventure (80's 90's.) to the present day.

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