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Project Arcmör

by Donald Conrad and Peter M.J. Gross (as Bitterly Indifferent Studios) profile

About the Story

You still remember the initial thrill of receiving your acceptance message:

“Greetings, colonizer! We are excited for you to join the StarQuorp™ family, a top 100 company to work for (based on intergalactic rankings by severity of workplace fatalities)."

"Our newest colony ship will deliver you to one of the most promising planets in known space, where your exciting work in the years ahead will contribute to humanity’s most important goals!”

When you wake up from cryosleep, the ship’s computer describes a situation that’s not what you expected.

CONTENT WARNING: Includes violence, gore, flashing lights.

Page Update History

v.6: 02-Apr-2021 21:46 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.5: 02-Apr-2021 21:07 - BitterlyIndifferent
Changed author
v.4: 02-Apr-2021 21:06 - BitterlyIndifferent
Changed author
  v.3: 02-Apr-2021 21:03 - BitterlyIndifferent
Changed IFIDs, cover art, version number, description, genre, Web site URL, author
v.2: 02-Apr-2021 19:35 - Zape
Changed title
v.1: 02-Apr-2021 17:22 - Zape
Created page

Game Details