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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Great Introduction to IF, even beyond the initial 'ending', April 5, 2012
by octofuzz (Trondheim, Norway)
Related reviews: Beginners

The only reason I have given this game a '4' is because it is the first IF I have completed so I am not really qualified as of yet to be a critic!

Great tutorial adventure that paints a wonderful image in your head that you can almost touch.

Puzzles are not too tricky and if you are a newbie you should not feel too guilty typing in 'help hint' if you get too stuck.

With several endings and options to explore beyond the initial conclusion you can happily burn away a couple of days playing this.

Highly recommended.

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Sam Kabo Ashwell, April 5, 2012 - Reply
I don't know that adding a rating is really something where you need to be qualified as a critic. Criticism isn't about saying that you liked something or you didn't; anybody can say that they think something's good. Criticism is about explaining why you like it and how it's good.

And in any case, IFDB ratings aren't writ in stone; if you feel more confident in changing your score later on, you can do that. In the meantime, it's not as if the difference of a single star from one person makes a whole lot of difference to a game with 70 ratings!
Jim Kaplan, April 5, 2012 - Reply
If you don't think you're experienced enough to be a critic, why not just delay giving a rating at all until you do feel qualified?
octofuzz, April 5, 2012 - Reply
I though my opinion was valid none the less. Its a game for beginners and I am a beginner!
Jim Kaplan, April 5, 2012 - Reply
Your opinion was perfectly valid; I'm just talking about the rating. You can review a game without rating it; if you think you're not yet qualified to give it a star rating (which was the impression I got about your first statement in your review) you could do it another time when you feel more qualified.
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