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The Tracer Sanction

by Bill Heineman

About the Story

Dossier: The Wing
We'd like to describe the gentleman you're pursuing. Except we can't. No one can. Your adversary is a virtual legend when it comes to maintaining a low profile. He never leaves a trail. Except for red herrings. He never makes a mistake. Ever.

Distant worlds, dark alleys & home computers
The Wing is an interplanetary criminal. Your adversary. The Condor is a mysterious, legendary bird. Your ally. Before you lies an entire galaxy. You must capture The Wing. But you haven't a clue where to begin looking. The Tracer Sanction offers an intricate collage of challenges. Chapters of intrigue...

Back cover credits: "Game produced by Interplay, Creative assistance by V. David Watkins."

Page Update History

v.3: 12-Jan-2025 03:28 - jcompton (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
v.2: 20-Aug-2022 15:14 - Michael Klamerus
Changed author
  v.1: 20-Jun-2020 15:00 - jcompton
Created page

Game Details