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Implements of the Arcane

by Oliver Frank profile

Inform 7

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About the Story

Intro to Implements of the Arcane is a fantasy interactive fiction game. This is the IntroComp version, meaning that it is incomplete, ending after a relatively short time.

You are an arcanist, a type of mage, who has been attacked by bandits. While you managed to fend off many with a risky move, more of them were there to rob you blind while you were unconscious. They left you for dead with nothing more than your clothes and a seemingly worthless wooden circlet.

This circlet though is the reason you are still alive - it is an implement of the arcane, an object that functions while holding a spell. The circlet in particular provides its spell's effect to you - and the circlet currently holds a healing spell.


1st Place - IntroComp 2018


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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: August 3, 2018
Current Version: 1
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: 4688C070-64C0-11E8-8354-940C6DB53DE0
TUID: 3342rncu14tnbsg1

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