
by Richard Bayliss


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11 of 11 people found the following review helpful:
Unfinishable and unfun, September 12, 2010
by Bernie (Fredericksburg, VA)

This old-school IF game is really more of a maze. The pc refused to pick up any of the objects in the game, so I'm not sure that they serve any purpose other than random decoration. Exits are not labeled (hence the 'maze' aspect) and going the wrong way causes you to die in strange yet rather unamusing ways (such as running into a lamppost or being sat on by an elephant). I patiently played through as much of it as I could, but got stuck at some point when the game gave a blank response to the command "west". I confess that I didn't replay through completely to make sure that I didn't miss a turn in the maze; I just couldn't justify spending any more time with this game.

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Joey Jones, May 7, 2012 - Reply
Sometimes I felt it bordered on 'so bad it's funny' territory, but mostly it was just awful.
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