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Les Quatre Alices

by Mia Blais-Côté profile

Mystery, Surreal

About the Story

A young girl walks in a dark forest.
She meets a mysterious red-haired teenager near a campfire.
The teenager tells her a story.
A story that is far too weird to be true, and yet...

4 Alice : Lorange Journey is a remake of the plot.

Page Update History

v.7: 23-Nov-2019 09:26 - Autymn Castleton (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed language
  v.6: 23-Nov-2019 09:26 - Mia
Changed license type, language, description, Web site URL
v.5: 21-Aug-2018 18:04 - Mia
Changed license type
v.4: 17-Jun-2018 23:09 - Autymn Castleton
Changed language
v.3: 17-Jun-2018 23:06 - Autymn Castleton
Changed language, description
v.2: 04-Mar-2018 08:56 - Mia
Changed cover art, publication date, development system, description
v.1: 04-Mar-2018 08:53 - Mia
Created page

Game Details